Causes Of Late Periods Other Than Pregnancy

In this article I will tell you some of the most common reasons for late pregnancy periods. Hey, suffering from a delay period, have you skipped your period for months-months longer than usual, and are afraid what the causes might be if you don't have a pregnancy, even if you haven't tried to get pregnant? Here are some common reasons why your periods are later than usual and the reasons are other than pregnancy, so a comprehensive measure to end your problem Take a look at the elavava.

What are the common causes for late periods other than pregnancy?

The most common causes of late pregnancy are listed below:

1. Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a major disorder where your menstrual cycle is damaged outside, natural steps of correction, although this may seem scary, polycystic ovary syndrome is a common disorder in one in ten women in a population, this is actually due to hormonal imbalance in the endocrine level. Which regulates ovulation and fertility of your menstrual cycle.
The menstrual cycle is very irregular in subjects with poly cystic ovary syndrome, and the duration is absent for more than 6 months, leading to obesity, weight gain and other complications that lead to defects in the menstrual cycle.
And when the menstrual cycle leads to menstruation, the period, the rash can be irregular which can disappear in a few days ranging from very rare, and even lasts for about 2 weeks in some weeks subjects.
However, treatment for such cases is available nowadays, and complications can be eliminated, but side effects still persist and its advice for people suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, to maintain the borderline weight and a healthy physical and normal BMI. In order to maintain a strict diet. , Fight and in most cases avoid the trouble and pain caused by the irregular menstrual cycle., And delayed periods, periods of excessive bleeding.

2. Stress

Late periods, often without any physical damage or serious problems, may be due to the stress you put on yourself, which alters normal endocrine levels, interfering with the neural impulse of the menstrual cycle through higher centers. The hypothalamus, therefore, basically helps you to fall into the normal phase with menstruation to reduce stress, work in balancing the hormones that regulate your menstruation and metabolism occurs regularly, can help to avoid future troubles. Reduce stress by making lifestyle changes like yoga, meditation, reducing anxiety etc.

3. pituitary tumor

It is a rare case, but if your period is absent for more than four to five months, you need to worry about this condition, pituitary tumor, also called prolactinoma may occur, this C is actually due to proliferation of cells . From the pituitary body, one of the endocrine organs, producing hormones that essentially regulate your menstrual cycle, uterus and reproduction, this is medically cured and the menstrual cycle can return to a regular phase, with fewer difficulties, if diagnosed by an endocrinologist upon success. And treatment.

4. Side effects of the birth control pill

Excessive reliance on the birth control pill, to delay your pregnancy, actually leads to irregular or postponed periods, as these pills contain a chemical contribution of your endocrine components, which mimic the pregnancy, to avoid the uterine duration and duration, so Side effects of birth control pills containing chemical ingredients that interfere with your normal cycle During the period, some of the subjects who may have questions, or during irregular and repetitive periods leads to more bleeding. So always, try to go with the natural way of your menstrual cycle instead of following any medical or mythological and social unethical processes.
Reasons for the late period

5. Fluctuating weight

Fluctuating weight is one of the factors that causes trouble, contributes to the late period, women who are obese actually suffer from excessive bleeding during the period, or longer, which can extend for more than two weeks, but this period is usually irregular. Is and only happens once. Three to four months. So being obese also affects your menstrual cycle.
Instead of being obese, weight loss is a serious complication in your menstrual cycle, under weight subjects, usually suffering from anorexia, a type of neural disorder, which leads to an imbalance in endocrine levels, causing the body to stagnate for a period of months. metabolism, depicts the situation of the hungry die of anorexia , hormones, therefore, will not lead to this period, there Anthi pholikalsa ovary is destroyed, which can be confirmed by ultrasound procedures.

6. Prime menopause

Dear menopause, menopause usually occurs in the age group of 45-50 years, women, but if you are around the age group of 40 and your menstrual cycle is very irregular and occurs only once in two or three months, this can be said Pre-menopause , if seen the same for a one-year interval. Usually the menstrual cycle, a cycle lasts for 28 days, and in the case of older women, close to menopause, their menstrual cycle can occur at intervals of 48-58 days.

7. Diabetes and thyroid disease

Women, suffering from diabetes and thyroid, keep the menstrual cycle and unpredictable periods at very high fluctuations, which only last for 1-2 days and in some cases, periods last for more than a week, the subjects claim, it is not a period Occasionally, there is excessive bleeding for months, so check your blood sugar levels, as blood sugar levels also lower your menstrual hormone levels. It affects.
The above mentioned or other complications with your body which can lead to really late and irregular menstrual cycle, so don't forget to try to understand the pre-mature issues related to your menstrual cycle, menstrual cycle is what makes women unique and compared to other stages of your life. Anti-sex makes you different, so don't neglect your body's metabolism, your Attention of the menstrual cycle, your baby's birth, pregnancy, and some others utmost importance. Functions.
So, hopefully this article was helpful for you to diagnose many other causes besides pregnancy that can actually lead to late and irregular menstrual cycles. So make it a habit to monitor your menstrual cycle further, which can easily help you calculate your ovulation, fertile window, most fertile days, date of your next period, however, there are many apps and calendars designed for this purpose, Which really helps you to monitor your menstrual cycle accurately and easily, so that you can take care of your menstrual cycle. Stay in the pink of your health.

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